Om Futures te verhandelen op Binance, is er een vereiste om deze optie te "activeren". Je moet namelijk eerst slagen voor een test die je kennis van Futures trading op de proef stelt.
Via deze link, kun je een video bekijken die alle stappen behandeld omtrent het aanmaken van een Futures wallet op Binance.
Hieronder hebben we de stappen uiteengezet.
1. Kies in het menu Derivatives --> USDS-M Futures
2. Aan de rechterkant van de geopende sectie kun je jezelf op de hoogte brengen van de risico’s van Futures trading, en kun je verdergaan via de ‘Open now’ knop.
3. Zodra het Futures trading venster is geopend, klik je op ofwel Buy/Long of Sell/Short.
4. In het geopende venster met tutorial, klik op Start Quiz.
5. Om toegang tot Futures trading te activeren, moet je op alle 14 vragen een juist antwoord geven.
Hieronder vind je de lijst met deze vragen en de juiste antwoorden, zodat je een beetje kunt oefenen.
Let op
Futures trading is een zeer riskante onderneming, met de mogelijkheid van zowel grote winsten als grote verliezen. Houd er rekening mee dat in het geval van extreme prijsbewegingen, de kans bestaat dat alle marginsaldo's in uw futuresportefeuille worden geliquideerd. Futures handelen is beperkt voor gebruikers in bepaalde regio's.
- Which of the following action should you take when you fail to place an order?
Correct - Check your network, save screenshots or related information, and ask for help from customer service. (antwoord #2) - There is a maximum size limit for each order. Which action should you take when you receive this type of error message?
Correct - Divide the large order into several smaller orders. (antwoord #3) - Which of the following description of Stop-Market Order is correct?
Correct - The order will be executed at the market price once the price hits the trigger price. But the executed price may not be equal to the trigger price. (antwoord #2) - Which of the following description of the Stop-Limit Order is correct?
Correct - The order will be placed at the limit price once the price hits the trigger price. But the limit order may not necessarily be filled as the latest market price may have moved away from the limit price. (antwoord #1) - Which of the following description of Profit and Loss (PnL) is correct?
Correct - Realized PnL is calculated based on the opening price and the closing price after a position is closed. (antwoord #3) - What is the maximum loss that may occur in futures trading?
Correct - All the money in my futures wallet (antwoord #1) - Which coin can be used as margin for a Coin-margined futures?
Correct - The base asset of this future. For example, I can use BTC as margin when I trade BTCUSD future. (antwoord #2) - When a futures position is liquidated, what price is it based on?
Correct - Mark Price (antwoord #3) - Futures fees include:
Correct - Commissions, Insurance Clear Fees and Funding Fees while holding positions. (antwoord #2) - Are you aware that after a futures position is liquidated, in addition to the loss of the position, an Insurance Clear Fee will occur, which may decrease your futures wallet balance to zero? p.s. Insurance Clear Fee = Position nominal value * Liquidation fee rate
Correct - Yes, I am aware of the existence and calculation of the Insurance Clear Fee and the risks that may cause the balance to return to zero. (antwoord #2) - What kind of behaviour should I avoid when engaging in futures trading?
Correct - Strong gambling, trading addictions, continuous losses, and blaming others. (antwoord #3) - To continue trading on futures, I have:
Correct - Understood the rules and risks of futures trading, and I agree that any loss incurred during futures trading is my own responsibility regardless of the platform. (antwoord #2) - Due to network delays, system failures and other possible factors which may lead to suspension or deviation of Binance Futures service execution, Binance will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure but not promise that Binance Futures service system runs effectively. Binance shall not be liable for the final execution results due to the above factors.
Correct - Agree (antwoord #1) - In the event of a service disruption on Binance Futures, you may use the “close all positions” function to cancel all orders and close all open positions. However, due to unpredictable factors, the final execution result of this function might deviate from your expectations, and Binance shall not be liable for the final results.
Correct - Agree (antwoord #1)
Zodra je de vragen hebt beantwoord, klik je op Submit. Als alle antwoorden correct zijn, zal de interface van Futures trading worden geactiveerd.
6. Om Futures te beginnen verhandelen, dien je USDT over te maken van je spot wallet naar Futures. Bij deze overdrachten worden er geen kosten in rekening gebracht door Binance. Klik daarvoor op de Transfer knop in het rechtermenu, voer het gewenste bedrag in en ga verder via de Confirm knop.
Proficiat! Je bent er nu helemaal klaar voor om Futures te verhandelen op Binance.
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