This guide will walk you through creating, configuring, and connecting your Kraken Pro API key to Bitsgap. This process enables you to integrate your Kraken account with Bitsgap, allowing for seamless trading and portfolio management.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Log in to Kraken Pro
Log in to your Kraken Pro account. If you don’t have an account, register for one on Kraken’s official website.
2. Navigate to the API Page
- Access the Settings section in the top-right corner of your account.
- Select the API tab to manage API keys.
3. Create a New API Key
- In the API section, click [Create API key].
4. Prepare for Connection to Bitsgap
- Log in to your Bitsgap account.
- Go to the My Exchanges page and click [Add new exchange].
- Copy Bitsgap’s trusted IP addresses displayed in the Kraken setup window. Save them securely for later use.
5. Set API Key Permissions
Configure the API permissions to ensure compatibility with Bitsgap. Enable the following permissions:
- Query: On
- Deposit: Off
- Withdrawal: Off
- Earn: Off
- Query Open Orders & Trades: On
- Query Closed Orders & Trades: On
- Create & Modify Orders: On
- Cancel & Close Orders: On
- Query Ledger Entries: On
- Export Data: Off
- WebSocket Interface: On
- IP Address Restriction: On (use the Bitsgap IP addresses copied earlier).
Additional settings:
- Key Expiration: Off
- Query Start/End Date: Off
- Custom Nonce Window: Off
Once configured, click [Generate Key].
6. Save Your API and Private Keys
- Copy the generated API key and Private key.
- Store them securely, as you will need them to connect to Bitsgap.
7. Connect Kraken Pro to Bitsgap
- Return to the Bitsgap My Exchanges page.
- In the pop-up window:
- Select Kraken from the exchange list.
- Paste your API key and Private key.
- Click [Connect].
8. Verify Connection
- Check the My Exchanges list.
- If connected successfully, Kraken will appear with the Connected status, displaying your trading balance.
What's Next?
- Launch Your First Bot: Explore how to automate your trading strategies with our easy-to-use bots.
- Manual Trading Guide: Learn to execute precise trades using Bitsgap’s advanced trading terminal.
Need Assistance?
If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Bitsgap Customer Support Team.