Release Version 2.0.0 ➡️ Bitsgap Release Notes - a complete list of all the changes we are making to improve your trading and provide the best user experience 🔥 Always stay up to date with the latest developments in the global marketplace ⚡️
We have rolled out a series of exciting updates that will enhance your user experience! Check out version 2.0.0 of our platform to explore all the latest features.
100% Use of Available Balance for Futures Market Orders
We have refined the option to use all available funds when placing a futures market order. If you place a market order on Binance Futures and click on the 100% icon to use the entire available balance, the “Total” field will now display the maximum amount available for investment, taking into account the fee to execute the order.
No Additional Confirmations for PayPal Payments
For users who have purchased a subscription with PayPal, we have made it easier to renew a subscription or change a plan. There is now no additional payment confirmation required when switching to a different plan or changing the billing period.
Continuing to make Bitsgap the most reliable and stable trading platform, we allocated our effort to eliminating some critical bugs this week! Here is the complete list of the top fixes:
All Bots
Fixed an issue where exiting the full screen mode of the chart on the “Bots” page did not work correctly.
Futures Bots
Fixed an issue where the % value of the PNL did not match the value on the exchange when adding margin via the “Add / remove margin” modal window.
Fixed an issue where currencies from the Binance Earn were displayed for the Binance exchange in the “Balance” section.
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